The Future of Us Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Future of Us.

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

I can't break up with Graham today, even though I told my friends I'd do it the next time I saw him. So instead, I'm hiding in my bedroom, setting up my new computer while he plays Ultimate Frisbee...

Freedom and Confinement Quotes

I know it's stupid to worry about bumping into Graham. Wagner Park is huge. It stretches along the edge of downtown all the way to the newer subdivision of homes. Graham could be playing Frisbee an...

Language and Communication Quotes

Our friend Kellan recently got AOL. She squeals every time someone sends her an instant message. She'll spend hours hunched over her keyboard typing out a conversation with someone who may not even...

Identity Quotes

I don't know what Harry Potter or The Help are, but Josh gave me Tuck Everlasting for my eleventh birthday. The boat gets stuck in a tangle of roots and Tuck explains how the water rushing by is li...

Time Quotes

Then, just under the blue banner, something makes me shiver. Next to a small picture of a woman sitting on a beach, it says "Emma Nelson Jones." The woman is in her thirties with curly brown hair a...

Love Quotes

Lost for you, I mouth the words. I'm so lost for you. The lyrics always make me think of Cody Grainger. He's on the track team with me. He's a senior and an incredible sprinter, ranked in the top t...

Technology and Modernization Quotes

They just had their first baby, so I got this desktop computer with Windows 95 and a color monitor. I'm scrolling through various screensavers when someone rings the doorbell. I let my mom answer i...

Society and Class Quotes

For the past two months I've been going out with Graham Wilde. We're in band together. He plays drums and I play saxophone. He's sexy, with shoulder-length blond hair, but his clinginess at prom wa...