The Future of Us Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. In the 1990s, Facebook was an unheard of concept. What do you think the "Facebook" of a decade from now could be? What effect would that have on your life?
  2. Time travel or knowledge of the future always has a controversial effect on characters in a plot. How does The Future of Us compare to other stories about time travel?
  3. If you found out your future, would you try to change things? What types of things would you care about changing?
  4. Do you think that Josh's and Emma's lives would have actually turned out the way they originally looked if they hadn't found Facebook? Or do you think that their daily actions would still constantly change what happens to them later on?
  5. Josh and Emma never figure out where that disk came from that allowed them to see their futures. How do you feel about the fact that the mystery CD-ROM is never really explained?