The Future of Us Themes

The Future of Us Themes

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

Two things about hopes and dreams in The Future of Us: Everybody has different dreams, and dreams change. Josh and Emma are in prime dreaming territory: High school is a time of exploration and fig...

Freedom and Confinement

In The Future of Us, Emma and Josh experience all sorts of chains and shackles, metaphorically speaking. High school is the culprit: Cool kids rule and everyone else drools, parents monitor their e...

Language and Communication

Communication is the name of the game in The Future of Us. Whether we're watching Emma and Josh awkwardly interact as they struggle to get their footing after stumbling over romantic feelings, witn...


Ever heard the expression fake it 'til you make it? In The Future of Us, Josh and Emma are teenagers, which means they're both in a stage of life where this is pretty much the go-to mantra when it...


The Future of Us is a story about time travel—so naturally time's kind of a big deal. But this book isn't just concerned with the future. Emma and Josh spend a lot of time thinking about the past...


Love is in the air and on the Internet in The Future of Us, but to mixed success. Kellan and Tyson can't seem to figure out what they want from each other; Josh and Emma are struggling to regain th...

Technology and Modernization

Technology is a huge deal in The Future of Us, and not just because Facebook pops up in a decade it has no business being in. This story is full of heirlooms from the 1990s, like pagers, color moni...

Society and Class

Emma and Josh are in high school, which is kind of a mini-society insofar as each person fits into a role and plays a different part. And because everyone is trying to figure out who they are, ther...