Rules and Order Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Bloody he-" Newt started before stopping himself; he closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. "We can't. Okay? Don't say it again. One hundred percent against the rules. Especially with the buggin' Doors about to close." (16.46)

No room for grey areas in the Glade, Tommy-boy. Or is there? Whenever he gets away with something, he has exploited the minuscule ambiguity buried beneath the hard and fast rules. How does he do that?

Quote #8

"Well," Zart began, his eyes darting around almost like he was waiting for someone else to tell him what to say. "I don't know. He broke one of our most important rules. We can't just let people think that's okay." (24.14)

There can't be rules without consequences for breaking them… which is exactly how "grounding" came into being.

Quote #9

"That shank threatened to kill you and we have to make bloody sure it never happens again. That shuck-face is gonna pay a heavy price for acting like that—he's lucky we don't Banish him. Remember what I told you about order." (28.14)

Yeah, yeah, we remember. Gotta keep the order. Gee, obsess much, Newt?