An Abundance of Katherines Chapter 7 Summary

  • Back at the graveyard, Lindsey leads the way for Colin and Hassan. She gave them the 4-1-1 on how Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a lonely nerd who didn't really matter until he was dead and his death started WWI.
  • Colin doesn't buy that this grave is actually the grave of Archduke Franz Ferdinand since the Archduke died in Europe.
  • Lindsey's got it figured out, though: Tennessee bought the Archduke so people would come to the state and take this tour.
  • Lindsey gets that Colin is a genius or whatever, but she isn't impressed with all his know-it-all factoids.
  • Just then, Lindsey's friends from school and her boyfriend show up by the gravesite. She goes to greet them while Colin and Hassan brainstorm about who they should pretend to be in front of Lindsey's friends. They decide on French tourists because that's always funny.
  • The gang comes over and Hassan and Colin have some fun by pretending Colin has Tourette syndrome and doesn't know much English. He also had hemorrhoids yesterday, which incidentally is the same word in English and French. Um, okay.
  • Lindsey bursts out laughing and the boys can't keep it in any longer. Colin and Hassan tell the bunch the truth: they are not French tourists.
  • Everyone has a good old laugh and Colin and Hassan give Lindsey's friends names: The Other Colin (TOC), Chase a.k.a. Jeans Are Too Tight (JATT), Fulton a.k.a. Short One Chewing Tobacco (SOCT)—oh yeah, and Katrina (she doesn't get a cool nickname).
  • Lindsey, Colin, and Hassan have to get back to the store so she kisses TOC goodbye. Colin thinks he should name his work The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability and they take off.
  • When they get back to the store, Hollis (Lindsey's mom) is waiting for them, and asks Lindsey where they were. Then she recognizes Colin. Whoa—he's not a celeb or anything, but he was on this show called Kranial Kidz, which Hollis watched. She invites Colin and Hassan over to dinner so she can get the lowdown on the show; she'll drive Hassan in her pink pick up truck, and Lindsey and Colin can ride together in his car.
  • On the way to the house, Lindsey asks Colin about being a genius, and Colin reiterates the difference between geniuses and prodigies. In case it wasn't clear/you'd forgotten, this difference is a big deal to him.
  • Then they pass a textile mill that Lindsey's great-grandpa started and her family owns. Colin asks her about it, but she's embarrassed (remember guys, they make tampon strings). It turns out Colin's not really sure what tampon strings are, or what to say, so they settle into some good old-fashioned awkward silence.
  • When they get to Lindsey's Pepto-Bismol-colored house, Colin is surprised: it's the biggest house he's seen. Ever.
  • As Hollis is making dinner, Colin and Hassan look at old pics of Lindsey, dressed like a mix of a punk-goth gal. She doesn't really want to talk about it.
  • Colin continues working on his theorem. He figures that most people are either dumpers or dumpees, and even if someone has been dumped before, he can still be a dumper if that's what he does the majority of the time.
  • He plugs each one of his relationships into his equation. K-19 works, but K-2 does not.
  • Hmm… he'll have to keep working to get the theorem right… but dinner is ready so he'll have to put his work away until later.
  • At dinner, Hollis asks Colin how it felt to win Kranial Kidz, and he says he was happy to win, but felt bad for the girl he beat because she bummed hard after losing.
  • Then Hollis lets them in on why she invited them to dinner: she wants to hire them. Colin is startled because, well, not everyone is looking to hire a prodigy. He doesn't get much in his line of work.
  • She's willing to pay Hassan and Colin five hundred bucks a week, plus room and board, to interview people in the town.
  • Both the boys are shocked, but after having a little talk about it, they decide they'll accept Hollis's offer.
  • Then they play Scrabble, which Colin has never played, but of course is amazing at.
  • After the game, Colin returns to his theorem—he's just got to crack it.
  • Lindsey fills Colin in on the goth-meets-punk-meets-nerd look she had going in her eighth grade photo. The story goes like this: she was ugly and insecure so she went for a style that her classmates didn't understand and couldn't mock. It looks like Colin's not the only one who didn't fit in at school.
  • In the middle of her story, Colin interrupts her. This is a big no-no, and Lindsey tells him to zip it when others are telling stories.
  • The two share a moment about telling stories, but Colin can't really manage to get the hang of it—he clumsily tells her about a time a lion almost bit off his penis.
  • During their conversation, Lindsey keeps biting her thumb, but when Colin asks her about it she says it's her private habit.
  • Way back when, Katherine-1 kissed Colin and then promptly broke up with him, which he didn't really understand. Later on he realized that his little mini relationship with K-1 sparked the whole Katherine Phenomenon though.