An Abundance of Katherines Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"All I ever wanted was for her to love me and to do something meaningful with my life. And look. I mean, look," he said. (2.8)

Tear. Colin's thoughts on love are so profound and deep, but we can't help but wonder whether this is actually what he feels, or just what he wants to feel. Why does he just want to be loved by a Katherine? Why not just be loved?

Quote #2

Perhaps, then, Colin ought to have grown accustomed to it, to the rise and fall of relationships. Dating, after all, only ends one way: poorly. If you think about it, and Colin often did, all romantic relationships end in either (1) breakup, (2) divorce, or (3) death. (3.28)

Way to cheer us up, man. All relationships end so don't even bother is pretty much the message. That's one way to look at it, but another is that all relationships can teach us something or make us feel something that still make them worth it… even with all the heartbreak and tears.

Quote #3

With all the nasty back-and-forth, Colin fought the urge to ask Katherine whether she still loved him, because the only thing she hated more than his saying she didn't understand was his asking whether she still loved him. He fought the urge and fought it and fought it. For seven seconds. (5.85)

That's a reeeeeaaaallllly long time to wait… Oh wait—it look longer than seven seconds to read that sentence. That's the whole point: Colin is so impatient and needy when it comes to love. He can't just leave Katherine alone for one minute without asking her if she loves him, which sounds both pretty insecure and pretty annoying.