An Abundance of Katherines Epilogue Summary

  • When Colin wakes up, he talks to Hassan about some profit and loss margins Hollis is working on. Then Hassan asks about whether Colin and Lindsey got together last night.
  • Colin was happy until he plugged his relationship with Lindsey into the theorem and figures out she'll dump him in four days.
  • Sure enough, three days later he gets a note from Lindsey: She's breaking up with him… just kidding (no really—that's what the note says).
  • The next day, while playing Texas Hold 'Em, Colin figures out that his theorem can't actually predict what will happen in a relationship—it can only apply to a past relationship, and with a new romance, there are too many variables to account for.
  • Eureka, he says.
  • They decide to go to Thickburger, and on the wa,y Lindsey grabs Colin's hand and pecks him on the lips.
  • Colin feels alive and the trio thinks they could really go anywhere. They get on the road and drive—past Thickburger, and on. They don't really know where they are going, but they keep driving.