An Abundance of Katherines Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Upon making this discovery, Archimedes supposedly shouted "Eureka!" and then ran naked through the streets. The book said that many important discoveries contained a "Eureka moment." And even then, Colin very much wanted to have some important discoveries, so he asked his mom about it when she got home that evening. (1.2)

It's great to have goals in life, but come on—the kid's a toddler when he starts to pressure himself to have a eureka moment. Maybe it's not that Colin isn't living up to his potential; perhaps instead it's that his plans and goals are just too darn unattainable. After all, how many people can really credit themselves with making a huge discovery like Archimedes?

Quote #2

"Technically," Colin answered, "I think I might have already wasted it." Maybe it was because Colin had never once in his life disappointed his parents: he did not drink or do drugs or smoke cigarettes or wear black eyeliner or stay out late or get bad grades or pierce his tongue or have the words "KATHERINE LUVA 4 LIFE" tattooed across his back. Or maybe they felt guilty, like somehow they'd failed him and brought him to this place. (3.7)

After he tells his parents about the road trip, he lets them in on a secret: his potential is already wasted. Yikes. We're not so sure about that. You can still have hopes and dreams and be an all-star even if you don't have a huge eureka moment. Too bad Colin doesn't believe that.

Quote #3

Prodigy Huge, megalithic corporation seeks a talented, ambitious prodigy to join our exciting, dynamic Prodigy Division for summer job. Requirements include at least fourteen years' experience as a certified child prodigy, ability to anagram adeptly (and alliterate agilely), fluency in eleven languages. Job duties include reading, remembering encyclopedias, novels, and poetry; and memorizing the first ninety-nine digits of pi. (3.63)

Calling all prodigies—this advertisement is what Colin imagines about his life. Check out his lengthy list marketable skills… yet very few of these matter when applying for a real job. Colin's filled his dreams with impressive amounts of knowledge, but none of it transfers into real life.