An Abundance of Katherines Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I just love her so much," was Colin's answer. But the truth was that, in Colin's mind, the problems were related. The problem was that this most special, magnificent, brilliant boy was—well, not. The Problem itself was that He didn't matter. (2.17)

We're totally on board with the idea that our lives should count for something, and that no one should just throw theirs away. But we can't help but wonder whether Colin's just using this to put pressure on himself to be something he's not (which we definitely do not advise).

Quote #2

"Do you sometimes feel like a circle missing a piece?" his dad wondered.

"Daddy, I am not a circle. I am a boy." (3.45-46)

Did someone order a side of symbolism? Colin's dad thinks he might be missing something, but Colin doesn't understand what his dad means. He is just a toddler after all. Yet, this rings true throughout the rest of the novel. Colin can't really figure out normal ways to interact with people.

Quote #3

Colin had no response to that. But he just didn't get Hassan's apathy. What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? How very odd, to believe God gave you life, and yet not think that life asks more of you than watching TV. (5.56)

This quote sums up Colin's whole philosophy in life, and we like his idea that we should all try to do something meaningful. We might ask, though, whether reading the phone book and other random books to learn factoids is any better than watching TV. We'll let you be the judge.