The Boxcar Children Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What are you going to do with the money?"

"I'll give it to Jessie," answered Henry. (10.50-10.51)

Henry is consistently selfless throughout the story. Everything he has belongs to not just him but to his whole family. What a model older brother.

Quote #8

Poor Henry was so surprised he almost fell over! That kind man his grandfather! (12.39)

Poor Henry isn't always the sharpest knife in the drawer, but when he finally figures out that Mr. Alden is his grandfather, it's a happy moment for all of the Alden kids. Yay.

Quote #9

"They won't take Watch away?" she whispered to Henry.

"No, indeed!" said Henry. "We'll never, never give him up." (13.19-13.20)

The dog's situation at the end of the story echoes the baker's wife's threat to send Benny to the Children's Home. Watch is family now, so he's not going anywhere, no way, no how.