The Boxcar Children Henry James Alden Quotes

"A ladle, of all things!" cried Henry. "Where did you get it?"

"I found a tin cup in the dump," said Jessie. "We used a long stick for a handle and tied it to the cup with a piece of wire. It makes a fine ladle." (7.68-7.69)

Mama always said that a ladle made out of trash makes soup taste better. Just kidding. Please don't put trash in your soup. Or, not without cleaning it really well first.

"We'll have to put lots of logs on, with brush between them," said Henry. "We'll put on so many that the water can't get through." (8.21)

When Henry's first attempt at a dam doesn't work, he's not discouraged. He keeps at it until he's built the swimming pool of his dreams.