The Boxcar Children Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Oh, I don't think I'll win," answered Henry. "But I like to run. It's lots of fun, you know." (10.22)

It's not about whether or not you win or lose, it's about having fun. Right, Henry? Well, until he remembers how much his siblings could use the cash—then he's in it to win it, though for the upstanding moral reason of taking care of his family (instead of, say, personal glory).

Quote #8

Then a man asked, "What is your name, boy?" Henry did not know what to say. He did not want to tell his name. So he answered, "Henry James." Now this was Henry's name, but it was not all of his name. (10.39)

Many people would tell you that a lie of omission is still a lie. But those people aren't Henry James Alden.

Quote #9

"I will give you the five thousand dollars."

But Dr. Moore would not take the money.

"I just want these children to be happy," he said. (12.6-12.8)

Hey, Dr. Moore, we'll happily take the $5,000. In fact, we'll even use a little of it to send you a postcard from the sweet vacation we're planning to go on.