The Boxcar Children Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Watch ran after her, but Henry called him back.

"Don't run after the poor hen," he said. (8.40-8.41)

Ugh, thought Watch. Why can't you just let me live? Here, we see human morals imposed on a dog. Don't worry, though, Watch—we're sure the kids will feed you. After all, they treat the dog like a member of the family.

Quote #5

"Will your mother be watching for you?" […] Henry did not know what to say. But at last Jessie said, "No. Our mother and father are dead." (9.19-9.20)

You know what they say about young Henry Alden—he never told a lie.

Quote #6

He gave them four dollars and all the cherries they could carry.

"That is too much," said Henry. (9.28-9.29)

Henry is so good that he rejects his own wages for being "too much." Dr. Moore insists that he take the cash. Psst, Henrywe all know you need the money and the food. Just take it.