Casablanca Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Casablanca.

Quote #1

LASZLO: What is it you want?

RENAULT: Merely to welcome you to Casablanca and wish you a pleasant stay. It is not often we have so distinguished a visitor.

Snakes have less venom in their bodies than Renault has in his tongue. He plays the part of the kindly, polite policeman, but he basically means the opposite of nearly everything that comes out of his mouth. This line comes not long before he has Laszlo arrested. If only the highway patrol was this sweet when getting ready to ticket us for speeding.

Quote #2

ILSA: Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time.

"As if," she says. Ilsa, knowing that she's going to be leaving Rick and that this really is the last time, doesn't let him in on the secret. Instead, she gets to have a big, wet, sloppy send-off, while he's thinking they'll be snuggling all the way out of town. Not cool, Ilsa.

Quote #3

RENAULT: I am making out the report now. We haven't quite decided whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape.

Well, at least he's honest about being dishonest. Renault has grown so comfortable with being corrupt that he has no problem broadcasting the fact to his outright enemies. He's using this bit of information to toy with Laszlo's emotions, obviously, but it's still pretty brazen to admit you're totally circumventing the law. He really should think about applying for a job in an NFL front office.