Hoot Education / Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Roy was careful not to gloat or joke about it, or to draw any special attention to himself. If Dana blabbed about the imaginary cigarette stash, he might try to blame Roy for the bungled theft. The police had no reason to believe anything the kid said, but Roy wasn't taking any chances. (17.45)

Roy's ingenious plan worked, but now he has to keep his cool and make sure he doesn't blow it. And it's hard to not be proud of hi accomplishments. Especially big ones like getting the school bully busted.

Quote #8

He was good at browsing the Internet, so with no difficulty he was able to Google up plenty of information about the burrowing owl. For instance, the type found in Florida went by the Latin name of Athene cunicularia floridana and had darker feathers than the Western variety. [...] Systematically, Roy scrolled down the search items one by one until he finally hit the jackpot. He printed out two single-spaced pages, zippered them into his backpack, and hopped on his bicycle. (17.130 -131)

Google. The answer to every question…or at least the way to find the answer. Which is exactly what Roy uses it for. Even outside of school, Roy knows that learning all he can about the burrowing owls is the best way to help them.

Quote #9

Roy walked back to the gate and opened the container of crickets and held it up to the fence. One at a time, the insects hopped out of the box, jumped through the chain-link holes, and landed on the ground. Roy was hopeful that the owls would find them once they came out of their dens for supper. (17.160)

Talk about taking that you've learned and putting it into practice. Roy knows that the owls will enjoy some crickets way more than the hamburger meat.