Hoot Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In Montana, ospreys lived in the cottonwoods all along the big rivers, where they dived on trout and whitefish. Roy had been pleasantly surprised to find that Florida had ospreys, too. It was remarkable that the same species of bird was able to thrive in two places so far apart, and so completely different. If they can do it, Roy thought, maybe I can, too. (8.71-72)

This is a turning point for Roy and he starts to give his new life in Florida a fair shot.

Quote #5

"You're sayin' it's a lost cause, right? Come on, Tex, you gotta start thinkin' like an outlaw."

"But I'm not an outlaw."

"Yeah, you are. Last night at the hospital - that was definitely an outlaw move." (14.99-101)

Roy may not believe it, but he's more heroic (and much more of an outlaw) than he thinks. Kinda like this brave bull rider he wants to be like...

Quote #6

Roy sat cross-legged on the floor, gazing up at the cowboy poster from the Livingston rodeo. He wished he was as brave as a champion bull rider, but he wasn't. (15.1)

We think that standing up to bullies is pretty brave. And does Roy forget about how he socked Dana in the nose? A coward certainly doesn't do that.