Hope Was Here Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #4

"It takes a clear vision to win in politics. You clarify that—ram that baby home whenever someone asks you a question—doesn't matter what the question is; doesn't matter who's asking—just find a way to jump into the vision thing and you'll sting like a bee." (63)

Could you clarify that for us, Sid? We're not quite feeling the sting. Fun fact: Sid (and Bauer) might have been inspired by a statement by the first President Bush about "the vision thing"—something he was told he wasn't good at and that some think lost him the election against Bill Clinton (source).

Quote #5

"Basically," Sid Vole explains, "the whole messy game of politics is about trust. (64)

Can G.T. really trust Sid Vole? Can anyone really trust a spin doctor? He's all about spin, for Pete's sake. He doctors the truth.

Quote #6

I miss the way Morty the cabdriver talked about politics— he'd sit at the counter, pounding his knife, spearing dinner rolls, screaming that politicians were out to get the little guy. (64)

Morty's feelings seem as real as the knife in his hand. Seems like Hope misses his passion and his honesty. She discovers some of Morty's fire in herself later in G.T.'s campaign.