Hope Was Here Politics Quotes

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Quote #7

"Politics is war—don't ever forget that." (65)

Let's hope Sid Vole didn't make bumper stickers out of this one. G.T.'s more of a "Peace…Not War" kind of guy. He's not going to take the low road no matter what.

Quote #8

"How many of us understand politics?" No hands were raised. "How many of us have any idea how to get someone elected?" (68)

G.T. might not understand politics at first, but he seems to have the right idea for getting elected: show your true colors. Many of G.T.'s supporters are political newbies. They need all the advice they can get.

Quote #9

But like Sid Vole said, you never stand still in politics, you keep blazing new trails on the campaign front and looking behind you in case the opposition is trying to steal your wallet. (69)

Or trying to bribe local officials to look the other way when the evil Carbinger brothers steal stuff from your house.