Independence Day Foreignness and "The Other" Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Independence Day.

Quote #4

DAVID: Did you hear me tell that the signal hidden in the satellite feed is slowly recycling down to extinction?

MARTY: Not really.

DAVID: Countdown.

MARTY: A countdown? Wait, a countdown to what, David?

DAVID: It's like in chess. First you strategically position your pieces. Then, when the timing's right, you strike. See? They're positioning themselves all over the world, using this one signal to synchronize their efforts, and in approximately six hours, the signal's going to disappear and the countdown's going to be over.

MARTY: And then what?

DAVID: Checkmate.

Finally, David figures it out: the signal is a kind of countdown that the aliens are using to time their movements around the globe as they get into position over major cities. They're counting down to a synchronized attack.

Quote #5

PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. My fellow Americans, a historic and unprecedented event has occurred. The question of whether or not we're alone in the universe has been answered.

Yes, Mr. President, the question of whether aliens exist has been answered. However, now we have the question of why they are here…

Quote #6

OKUN: As you can see from the repairs, we've been trying to put her back together since the late 1960's.

PRESIDENT: Don't tell me, you've had this for forty years and you don't know anything about them?

OKUN: Oh, hell, no. No, no, no, no. We know tons about them. But the neatest stuff—the neatest stuff has only happened in the last few days. See, we can't duplicate their type of power, so we've never been able to experiment. But since these guys started showing up, all the little gizmos inside turned on. The last twenty-four hours have been really exciting!

Doctor Okun means well, but his comments come off as super insensitive to the President (and us). Sure, the arrival of the aliens has enabled new discoveries for Okun, but it's also caused massive destruction and left many people dead. So, the President calling him out seems kinda legit.