Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Quote #10


BRODY: Oh, water? No thank you, sir. No. Fish make love in it.

Most of the comic relief that Brody provides in the film comes from his refusal to fit in with society's expectations of what it means to be a man. He's polite, easily flustered, grossed out at the thought of procreating fish, and capable of getting lost in his own museum.

Quote #11

BRODY: Henry, the pen.

HENRY: What?

BRODY: Well, don't you see? The pen is mightier than the sword.

After Henry cleverly blinds a Nazi aggressor with the ink from his fountain pen, Brody's stoked because brains have beaten muscle, proving that you don't need a bullwhip and a fedora to unarm a bad guy.