Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. In what year is the prologue set?

Q. The prologue provides the origin story for which part of Indiana Jones' iconic image?

His fedora.
His shoes.
His hair.
His belt.
Q. What does Indiana use to finally escape from the bandits on the train?

A magician's trunk
A lion tamer's whip
One of the bandit's guns
A "family size" bag of Chex-Mix
Q. How does Indiana's pursuit of the Cross of Coronado mirror his quest for the Holy Grail?

Both missions strengthen his relationship with his dad.
He thinks both artifacts belong to the people, not to one person.
He's accompanied by Brody for both.
He chases after both artifacts on the back of a unicorn named Brian.
Q. When Indiana returns home with the Cross of Coronado, how does his dad react?

He questions the cross' authenticity.
He doesn't react. You can't fool me, Shmoop.
He asks Indiana to count to ten in Greek.
He screams and clutches his pearls.