Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Indiana risk his life to recover the Cross of Coronado from Panama Hat not once, but twice?

He wants to impress his dad.
He believes it belongs in a museum.
He found it first.
He wants to turn it into a rad necklace.
Q. Why does Henry think he was a good dad, even if Indiana disagrees?

He respected Indiana's privacy.
He cherished Indiana's mother.
He gave Indiana an education.
He let Indiana eat Red Velvet Oreos for breakfast.
Q. At the end of the film, what does Henry tell Indiana that he's found on their quest?

Q. Which of the following sets of words best describes Indiana's take on masculinity?

adventurous, careful, inept
logical, scholarly, cautious
impulsive, physical, daring
hamburger, backpack, laser tag
Q. When Henry tells Indiana to "let it go" in the Grail temple, he isn't just talking about the Holy Grail. What else is he talking about?

Regret over Elsa
Anger toward Henry
Hatred for Donovan
Disney's Frozen