Mortality Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I don't want to hear the speech Tori will make on Marlene's behalf or be around for the toasting and the shouting as the Dauntless celebrate her life and her bravery. (27.1)

For someone who acts like she's totally cool with death, Tris has a hard time celebrating a dead person's life. Why do you think that is? As a Dauntless, shouldn't she just go along with the celebration?

Quote #8

I wish I could tell my parents that I will die like the Abnegation. They would be proud, I think. (34.26)

Tris is so obsessed with death, she seems to forget that her parents died to save her. If she just sacrifices herself, their sacrifice will be for nothing.

Quote #9

Rising from within me is a single thought: I don't want to die. (35.26-25.27)

It takes until she is literally on her deathbed (or death-execution-table) for Tris to decide that she doesn't want to die. What prompts this change of thought? And why does she go back to accepting death just two pages later, after the injection has been administered?