Luna Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Teri Lynn was pretty traumatized, she said, but it'd taken her so long to get to this point, to build up the courage to dress as herself, that she wasn't going back. She said she'd die if she ever had to go back." (10.59)

It's pretty nerve-wracking to go out dressed as a woman when you possess male physical traits, but Teri Lynn did it despite the haters. Liam can do it too.

Quote #5

A long moment passed. Then an expression I'd never seen before seized Liam's face. Determination? Resolve? His jaw set. He nodded once and opened the door. (10.63)

The mall may not seem like a battleground, but for Luna it's a big deal to go out in public dressed as a girl. Even though things may go pretty poorly, she's prepared for the consequences.

Quote #6

Then pivoted and skittered off down the hall like the spineless chicken I am and always will be because I'm such a coward and disgust myself for being so scared of everything and everyone that I'll never have a life, ordinary or otherwise. (14.15)

Seriously—Regan may be great at backing up her sister and even standing up to her dad, but she's not so courageous when it comes to dealing with cute boys, is she? Chris must really like the chase…