Luna Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're not welcome in our home anymore, Regan. And your brother… My God, he needs help." (19.19)

All this time Regan was convinced that the Materas were so kind and progressive, but it turns out that they have the same prejudices as so many other people. They don't even want Regan or Luna to ever step foot in their home again.

Quote #8

"I only wanted to try on a dress." His voice went flat. "They didn't need to call security." (20.84)

Luna does some seriously harmless things—she goes to try on dresses, eats tacos—and she just wants to be treated like a normal human being in the process. Instead she's treated like a criminal just because people don't understand what it's like to be transgender.

Quote #9

Hoyt screeched, "You f***ing pervert!" Loud. It attracted the attention of a couple of girls who were clomping down the stairs. Hoyt jabbed Luan's shoulder again and yelled, "Perv! You're a perv. I always knew it." (22.115)

Hoyt's always been pretty mean to Liam, but things escalate when Liam comes to school dressed as Luna. It's as though Hoyt now has a reason to seriously treat Luna in an inhumane way—as thought Hoyt needed the excuse in the first place.