Luna Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I quelled my rising terror. We'd just be two girls out shopping. Who would notice? Who would care? Who would even look at us twice? (8.86)

Unfortunately, even though Regan thinks that people are probably not going to notice them, people do pay attention. And they react negatively when they see Luna.

Quote #5

I wished I could forget. Those punks. The clerk. The punks' reaction could almost be expected. It didn't prey on my mind as much as the clerk. The moment she saw what Luna was, when she physically repelled away from her, that feeling seared a scar on my soul. (12.33)

The public's reaction to Luna doesn't just hurt her—it also hurts Regan to see the kind of prejudice that Luna will have to deal with on a daily basis. People won't change their minds right away.

Quote #6

He slowed and stood for a moment, staring. The expression on his face—God. Disgust, loathing. I don't know what it was, but it made me cower in fear. (13.99)

Things are pretty rough when people catch sight of Luna. Even though she's not doing anything harmful, people seriously look at her as though she's subhuman or something.