Luna Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mom was still flaming about her caterer getting closed down by the health department when the door to the basement opened and my brother emerged. Rather… my sister. (24.9)

When Luna first reveals herself to their family, she comes downstairs dressed as a girl. She's not Liam, Regan's brother any longer—she is now Luna, her sister. Regan hasn't lost a sibling; she's just found a new one.

Quote #8

Surreal. I swallowed down my panic, for her sake. Of course this would be the next step in her transition. She had to do it sometime. Still… (24.11)

It seems so sad that family is the last frontier that Luna has to tackle—after all, she's already gone out in public and showed up at school as a girl. But this is really the point of no return if Luna wants to fully transition… For some people, family's probably where they start coming out, but for Luna it's a scarier step in some ways than coming out in public.

Quote #9

"Mom!" I practically yelled in her face. "Why did you leave? Liam is transitioning. Do you understand what that means?" Of course she didn't understand. "She's changing her sex." (24.71)

Their mom really doesn't see the gravity of the situation when Luna comes out. Instead of helping her stand up to her father, she just disappears—it's as though she doesn't want to deal with the whole transitioning process.