Luna Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There's this one T-girl, Teri Lynn, who transitioned a couple of years ago. She calls it 'remaking herself.'" (8.107)

Teri Lynn's story is especially important for Luna because it shows her that she doesn't have to live in her male body forever. She can change physically into the girl she wants to be.

Quote #5

Could Luna change her body chemistry, her physical appearance, enough to convince the world that she was the person she knew herself to be? (14.116)

If Luna can pull off the whole transition process, maybe the world will stop looking at her as such a freak. After all, she is a girl on the inside—she just has to change her outside appearance to match.

Quote #6

The door to my room swung open. Aly and I both whipped our heads around as Luna stepped out. "Here I am," she said. (22.1)

It must be pretty shocking for Aly to see her best friend and crush change into a girl. She doesn't even really know how to process what has happened.