Marcelo in the Real World Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"For your information, and not that you need to know, Wendell has invited me to the boat like he has invited many others in this firm. And for your information, I know what the boat looks like, but I did not go there at Wendell's invitation. I am not into little boys." (18.18)

What's up with Juliet? We don't even want to know what's gone on below deck on that yacht. Just name it the S.S. Misogyny and be done with it.

Quote #5

I don't know why I even asked Juliet. And why did I lie when I told her that I wanted to know what the boat was like? What was it that I really wanted to know? (18.19)

What's all this? Why does Marcelo take a strange comfort in the fact that Wendell has targeted other women and not just Jasmine?

Quote #6

It has always been almost impossible for me to lie. The synapses in my brain usually travel faster than they should, but when it comes to lying, the same synapses freeze in place. I cannot think fast enough to come up with an alternative to the truth. (18.60)

Learning to communicate is hard enough for Marcelo; learning how to purposely miscommunicate must make him want to take to his bed for days.