Marcelo in the Real World Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I stand there looking at the boxes. What happened? Why did I hesitate in telling Wendell I would not help do anything that may harm Jasmine? How could it be that even as I understand Wendell's views on sex, I am still pulled toward success in my father's eyes? (15.34)

The desire for others' approval is a powerful force. It's kind of like how Arturo and Holmes are falling all over themselves for the approval of a corporation, motivated by dollar signs.

Quote #8

"There's plenty of places to go whoring. Man's got a dick, he'll find a hole to put it in." (22.71)

Amos is even cruder about sex than Wendell, but without the malice. In other words, he says really dirty stuff, but he's not trying to hurt anyone, or use it for power.

Quote #9

Perhaps the comfort I feel around Jasmine is also sexual in a way I don't understand. Maybe attraction for another person is like the IM, where body and mind cannot be separated. (23.126)

Marcelo instinctively realizes something Wendell will never get: the kind of attraction that lasts is the kind that starts in the brain.