Marked by Fire Chapter 8 Summary

Sunday Afternoon
July 17, 1961

  • Abyssinia does her best to put her dad out of her mind and focus on preparing the church anniversary party.
  • When the day of the party comes, churches from around the state come.
  • Abyssinia, who is known for having an absolutely wonderful voice, kicks the service off by singing "I'll Fly Away." Mother Barker gets so into it she dances and then faints; as the song continues, the rest of the congregation and its guests get equally caught up in the music.
  • When the service is over, everyone compliments Abby.
  • Her pound cake is the first cake to be devoured completely, but just before it does, she remembers she promised a slice to Brother Jacobs—you know, the guy who gave her the milk.
  • Abby grabs the last slice.