Marked by Fire Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Marked by Fire.

Women and Femininity Quotes

When they were sure the twister had finally gone, Patience and the other women laughed nervously. The children whimpered. Mother Barker's husband, the foreman, and the only man in the field, adjust...

Violence Quotes

The dark spiral turned and headed toward them.Patience gasped and clasped her hands together tightly. Mother Barker began to pray. In a muted voice, as though afraid the tornado might hear her, she...

Madness Quotes

Mother Barker examined Miss Sally carefully. She said a blackjack leaf went through Miss Sally when the big wind peeled the planks, one by one, off Miss Sally's old frame house and tossed them to t...

Religion Quotes

"Lord we know you know your business. We know we are but a speck of dust in the corner of your eye. But Heavenly Father, grant me permission to speak to you this morning, Sir. Now, Lord, you made t...

Family Quotes

She asked, "Where's the baby?""Where's the baby? How would I know?""Stop playing, Strong.""I'm not."He looked over toward the empty baby bed. She realized he was as mystified as she was. He said, "...

Love Quotes

She smiled to herself as she remembered Strong's face the fay she told him they were going to have a child. His eyes lit up like stars. He danced her around the floor, and then sat her down careful...

Race Quotes

Abby unlaced her shoes and climbed the tree where she looked down on the backyards of the colored part of town. They reminded her of a picturesque quilt, these various irregular-shaped plots of lan...

Education Quotes

Soon after Abby began to take her first steps, Mother Barker took her walking in the country through pastures of unfenced fields. She took Abyssinia on nature walks, hunting certain roots and leave...