Marked by Fire Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She smiled to herself as she remembered Strong's face the fay she told him they were going to have a child. His eyes lit up like stars. He danced her around the floor, and then sat her down carefully like she was rare, expensive, antique china. (1.41)

Here we see a sort of intersection of love. There's Patience's love for Strong, Strong's love for Patience, and Strong's love for his unborn child. Pretty sweet all around, right?

Quote #2

"Stop, stop, stop, Abyssinia! Hand me that there piece here. Yes, this is it all right." And a smile wrinkled the corners of her eyes. "This is the one, all right." She gave the child a kiss on her cotton-blossom birthmark.

And she put the plant in a rough fabric bag. Taking Abyssinia's hand, she hummed softly to herself as they struck out for home. (4.7-8)

Sometimes love shows up in grand gestures and exploding fireworks, but other time it comes through in contentedness and small moments of tenderness. It's this second kind of love we see here as Mother Barker walks through nature with Abyssinia.

Quote #3

She told herself her father loved her.

"My father loves me, my father loves me, my father loves me." She repeated the words faster and faster and faster. (7.93-94)

After the tornado rips through town and destroys the Better Way Barbershop, Abyssinia decides she needs to see her dad for herself in order to make some sense of what's happened to him. As she heads out looking for him, she bolsters herself with the constant reminder that her dad loves her. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean he isn't on the first bus out of town.