On the Road Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In a last-minute phone call Dean said he and Carlo might join me on the Coast; I pondered this, and realized I hadn’t talked to Dean for more than five minutes in the whole time. (I.10.15)

Dean’s mad and frantic nature prevents Sal from getting truly close to him.

Quote #8

There were five cousins in all, and every one of them was nice. They seemed to belong to the side of Terry’s family that didn’t fuss off like her brother. But I loved that wild Rickey. He swore he was coming to New York to join me. I pictured him in New York, putting off everything till mañana. He was drunk in a field someplace that day. (I.13.47)

As readers, we are able to draw a distinction between what Sal admires in characters like Dean and Rickey, and what he is actually able to imitate himself.

Quote #9

Ed Dunkel was a tall, calm, unthinking fellow who was completely ready to do anything Dean asked him; and at this time Dean was too busy for scruples. (II.1.12)

Ed idolizes Dean in much the same way that Sal does.