Marriage Quotes in Outlander

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I think we both felt that [Inverness] was a symbolic place to reestablish our marriage; we had been married and spent a two-day honey-moon in the Highlands, shortly before the outbreak of war six years before. (1.9)

Marriage is one of the first themes mentioned in the book, which is a big red flag to us that it's going to be explored quite a bit as the story unfolds. As someone who ends up with two husbands, Claire knows quite a bit about marriage.

Quote #2

"Do you think I've been unfaithful to you?" I demand. "Do you? Because if so, you can leave this room this instant. Leave the house altogether! How dare you imply such a thing?" (1.185)

Claire takes her marriage vows seriously. Even while she was away from Frank at war for six years, she honored them. That's one of the reasons it's so difficult for her to rationalize her marriage to Jamie… but we guess it's a little easier to do this when your husband hasn't even been born yet.

Quote #3

"The only way I can legally refuse to give ye to Randall is to change ye from an Englishwoman into a Scot. […] Ye must marry a Scot. Young Jamie." (13.119, 13.122)

Marriage isn't always about romance. In fact, in this time period, it seems to be more about money or power. In Claire's case, her marriage to Jamie is an opportunity to save her own life.