Outlander Themes

Outlander Themes


There are tons of romance stories out there. Classic romance. Modern romance. Dinosaur romance (seriously). But what if you combined all three? (The Loch Ness monster is a dinosaur, right?)If you t...


What would a six-hundred-page romance story be without sex? Well, it would be Twilight, but that's beside the point. We've got an adult romance on our hands with this book, and Diana Gabaldon packs...

Women and Femininity

If you thought women were expected to behave differently in the 1940s than they are today, just wait until you see how women are expected to behave in the 1740s. The differences between the sexes a...

Tradition and Customs

Traveling to a different country is always a source of culture shock. Customs are different, language can be different, heck—the basic way of life can be the total opposite of what you're used to...


In the 18th century, you might think power is pretty cut-and-dry. Whoever can throw a caber the farthest is the most powerful, right? Wrong. Power was just as variable back in this day. Some men ar...


Some jobs come with a sense of moral obligation. Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, librarians swear to some sort of secret book code to only make the best recommendations (at least w...


Loyalty factors into almost every relationship, whether it's personal or professional. Lovers are loyal to each other… or at least they should be if they don't want to be spreading herpes all ove...


The concept of marriage has differed all over the globe, depending on both where you are and when you are. Sometimes it's an act of love, and sometimes it's a business transaction for a hotel empir...


Scotland in the 18th century seems so quaint and picturesque. Think: rolling hillsides covered in heather, beautiful stone castles, plus those kilts. But these images are missing one crucial compon...

The Supernatural

Time travel is pretty supernatural by definition. Our definition being: that sure as heck isn't natural. Other things that fall into this category: witchcraft, ghosts, and the Loch Ness monster. An...