Sex Quotes in Outlander

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He laid me carefully back in the grass, the feathery blossoms of the cow parsley seeming to float in the air around his head. He bent forward and kissed me, softly, and kept on kissing me as he unbuttoned my dress, one button at a time, teasing, pausing to reach a hand inside and play with the swelling tips of my breasts. (2.191)

There are lots of steamy sex scenes in Outlander, but they're not gratuitous. No, really, they're not. This one shows how Claire is comfortable having sex outdoors. That's important because, in the 18th century, she and Jamie will rarely have a moment's privacy in which to be intimate.

Quote #2

If I were a horse, I'd like [Jamie] to ride me anywhere. (4.112)

This double entendre means exactly what you think it means. Lucky for Claire, she doesn't have to be a horse to understand what this would feel like. Time-travel is possible in this world; shape-shifting is not.

Quote #3

"I want this marriage consummated, wi' no uncertainty whatsoever" (15.2)

Sex is a critical part of marriage in this time period. Heck, it's almost mandatory. Why would a man want to marry a woman if she wasn't going to sleep with him? For Jamie, that's actually a main reason he does want to get married. It would be scandalous if he slept with a woman without marrying her first. (More scandalous for her, of course…)