Outlander Resources


Diana's Domain

Gabaldon's website has more information about Diana—her personal life, her writing methods, her thoughts—than you ever thought you'd want to know. Plus, it has some pretty awesome endorsements, like the one calling the Outlander series "A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres." You can't find that just anywhere.

Outlandish Observations

That's not a Shmoopy headline, folks; that's the name of the actual website, the most comprehensive fansite for Outlander on the 'net. Even Gabaldon herself loves it.

Movies or TV Productions

Battlestar Outlanderica

The Outlander television show is helmed by Ronald D. Moore, the genius behind the Battlestar Galactica reboot. Time-travel is pretty sci-fi, so this seems like a good fit to us. Now we just have to check and see if we have Starz…

Articles and Interviews

A Gathering of Knowledge

Diana spoke with an interviewer at the Gathering in Edinburgh in 2009 (similar to the one at Castle Leoch in 1743) and talked about the origins of the series and just how the heck to pronounce her last name.

We'd Read That for a Dollar

In this interview, Diana talks about the research that goes into the book, and her famous dollar bet that has helped her sell tons (and these books are heavy, so we do mean tons) of novels.


Outlander in NYC

This video begins "Are you excited about Outlander?" Did this guy even have to ask? Gabaldon sits down to chat about the Outlander television show premiere at New York Comic-Con.

How to Speak "Outlander"

"Outlander" is easy to pronounce. "Sassenach" is not. This handy video shows you how not to sound like, well, an outlander.

The Gathering of Books

The National Book Festival might as well be the National Outlander Festival. Gabaldon speaks at the festival much to the joy of over 400,000 fans who voted her favorite author. That's almost as many fans as the entire Outlander series has pages.


Makes Us Want to Sing

It's rare for a book to make us want to sing, but Outlander does sometimes. Good thing there's a musical version to sing along to. Sample a track here.


Castle in the Sky

Although Castle Leoch only exists in Diana's imagination (and, after reading about it, ours), we think it might look similar to other Scottish castles, like Urquhart castle… although with walls still standing, of course.

With This Ring, We Thee Wed

Want an Outlander-themed wedding? (We hope you know your partner for more than a day…) If so, you'll definitely want a replica of Claire's ring.

Casting Out

The casting of Jamie in the Outlander television series was the subject of much fan fervor (just try to drown out the cries of Liam Hemsworth…). Sam Heughan was ultimately chosen as young Jamie. What do you think?