Outlander Quotes

Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop.  Pick a theme below to begin.

Love Quotes

"If you ever did… Claire, it would make no difference to me. I love you so. Nothing you ever did could stop my loving you." (1.189)

Sex Quotes

He laid me carefully back in the grass, the feathery blossoms of the cow parsley seeming to float in the air around his head. He bent forward and kissed me, softly, and kept on kissing me as he unb...

Women and Femininity Quotes

His eyes raked me slowly from head to toe, traveling with a sort of insolent appreciation over the thin peony-sprigged cotton dress I wore, and lingering with an odd look of amusement on my legs. (...

Tradition and Customs Quotes

"Ye'd be a better prospect for marriage did ye ha' a bit of money and a future." (7.106)

Power Quotes

Frank's ancestor, the notorious Black Jack Randall, had not been merely a gallant soldier for the Crown, but a trust—and secret—agent of the Duke of Sandringham. (2.92)

Duty Quotes

The thought of using the grimy neckrag was something my medical training wouldn't let me contemplate. (3.127)

Loyalty Quotes

"Ye need not be scairt of me," he said softly. "Nor anyone here, so long as I'm with ye." (4.115)

Marriage Quotes

I think we both felt that [Inverness] was a symbolic place to reestablish our marriage; we had been married and spent a two-day honey-moon in the Highlands, shortly before the outbreak of war six y...

Violence Quotes

I was quite sure I was still hallucinating when the sound of shots was followed by the appearance of five or six men dressed in red coats and knee breeches, waving muskets. (3.2)

The Supernatural Quotes

"The story goes that by order of the house's owner, one wall was built up first, then a stone block was dropped from the top of it onto one of the men—presumably a dislikable fellow was chosen fo...