Pedro Páramo Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"She died of her sorrows. And sorrow… You once told us something about sorrow that I can't remember now. It was because of her sorrows that she went away. And died choking on her own blood. I can still see how she looked. That face was the saddest face I have ever seen on a human." (16.9)

Eduviges commits suicide, and her sister tries to get the priest to forgive her for it since she was suffering so much before finally dying. This is not a good enough excuse, though, and her unpardoned soul must continue to suffer even after her death.

Quote #8

"I wouldn't mention it except that when I see him tossing in his sleep like that I remember what happened to me the first time you did it to me. How it hurt, and how bad I felt about doing it." (30.27)

Donis' sister relates to Juan Preciado's suffering because she says she has felt the same way. In a way, suffering is what keeps the community together in Comala, because everyone has experienced it.

Quote #9

"And to top it all off, everyone was leaving the village; all the people set out for somewhere else and took their charity with them. I sat down to wait for death." (36.14)

Dorotea, the madwoman, depends upon others for survival. When the town's population begins to dwindle, her suffering increases as she's left alone. Aww. All Dorotea needs is a little help.