Pedro Páramo Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That damned Fulgor! I'm going to give him a lick that'll make his eyes whirl." (37.27)

Miguel has inherited his father's quick temper and urge to solve his problems with violence. He sure is a chip off the old block—the old butcher's block.

Quote #8

"I forgot to tell him that yesterday someone came by and said he'd killed a man. If he keeps up like this…" (37.32)

Miguel's murdering of a man is worrisome for Fulgor, but doesn't seem to bother him more than, say, a mother who is preoccupied about her son playing too much Xbox. We imagine the full sentiment would be something like "If he keeps up like this he'll never get a '5' in AP Economics!"

Quote #9

A mother he had forgotten, forgotten many times over, was telling him: "They've killed your father!" (39.4)

This scene might be the root of Pedro's violence, because it spurred his first killing spree and is a memory that he hates to recall. Not that we blame him; it is pretty grisly.