Persepolis Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #7

"Don't tell anyone that I'm back. I don't want to see people!" (29.34)

Marjane is afraid of seeing her friends for a couple of reasons: (1) There's that whole "inability to admit her shame" thing—living homeless in Vienna isn't something you proudly tell people about; and (2) she's probably afraid that she won't be able to relate to them anymore. They've been stuck in Iran for years—what could they have in common at this point?

Quote #8

Suddenly, from the other side of the street, I saw a car full of guardians of the revolution arrive, followed by a bus. When they came with the bus, it meant a raid. "If they see me with this lipstick, they'll take me away." (33.3)

There's no such thing as being an easy, breezy, beautiful Cover Girl in Iran. Beauty is anything but easy and breezy there, and simply wearing lipstick can be a punishable offense. Next time you're afraid you have lipstick on your teeth, think of that: at least you have teeth to get lipstick on. If you were imprisoned for wearing makeup in Iran, who knows what might happen?

Quote #9

"It's fear that makes us lose our conscience. It's also what transforms us into cowards." (34.37)

These are Grandma's words of wisdom, and they especially ring true for Marjane. The worst things she does—attempt suicide, live on the streets, turn in a homeless man—are all the result of fear.