Memories and the Past Quotes in She's Come Undone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Whatever this has to do with my mother, I'd just as soon we keep her out of it," I said. "My mother was a saint!" (17.134)

Is Dolores reading the same book we are? Her mother may have been a decent person (especially considering all the other scumbags in this story), but she was hardly a saint. Dolores is rewriting the past here.

Quote #8

"I'll say one more thing, Dolores Elizabeth, and then, as far as I'm concerned, the subject is closed. I've buried a husband and two children—a nineteen-year-old son and a daughter who was only thirty-eight…" She paused, clearing her throat twice, and I suddenly realized she was crying. (21.93)

Going into the past isn't always a happy skip down memory freakin' lane. Grandma absolutely does not want to sit around and talk about the good ol' days, because they remind her of the bad ol' present.

Quote #9

"High school is like a sickness. Trust me, the fever breaks. Then you get over it." (21.169)

Dolores is trying to use her past to offer advice to a high school girl in the present, but this bit of unsolicited reassurance makes her just look like a crazy person in a public bathroom.