Transformation Quotes in She's Come Undone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

As I began to drop weight, I began, as well, to drop my cattle prod of hostility whenever Dr. Shaw closed his office door. (17.36)

Dolores often hides behind her fat-girl persona, so when she drops the fat, she has to drop the attitude.

Quote #8

"You're rushing me," I said. "I'm only fifteen years old in the pool. How many kids my age have to work full-time?" (19.14)

Dolores hasn't worked at all by this point. She's in her early twenties, pretending to be a teenager, and still hasn't transformed into a responsible adult. Both twenty-something Dolores and fifteen-year-old Dolores are both resisting work—the transformative kind—here.

Quote #9

"You're a whole different person now, reparented and everything," I reminded myself. "Dante's waiting for you. Not that dead whale." (20.17)

The therapy may sound silly, but it really does change Dolores's way of thinking, and by changing her thinking, she's able to change her attitude.