Bubblegum Medal

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

The idea of walking around with bubblegum stuck to our shirt for two weeks really grosses us out—think of the bacteria, people—but alas, this isn't the case for Jamie. She's thrilled when her bro gives her a makeshift medal for bravery during their game of army. So thrilled, in fact, that she recalls the scene for us:

"It's a medal," TJ explained. "For courage under fire." I wore that medal for two weeks, until the gum finally lost its stick somewhere between the school playground and my second-grade classroom. (2.12)

Ew…so gross. Spit and bacteria aside, though, the medal flat out represents Jamie's strength and courage. All her life, Jamie's been told the army is a big deal; her dad's office is literally lined with medals from battle. So it should come as no surprise that she wants to be just like him when she grows up, military regalia included. It's how people succeed in her family. The medal her brother gives her helps Jamie feel just like a soldier, which is all she's ever wanted to be.