Sixteen Candles Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sixteen Candles.

Quote #1

SAM: Chronologically you're sixteen today. Physically you're still 15. Hopeless.

From Sam's first line, we have to wonder what she expected when she woke up on her sixteenth birthday. Did she expect to wake up transformed?

Quote #2

SAM: Nope, I look exactly the same as I have since summer, utterly forgettable. No, I didn't expect to wake up transformed. I just thought that turning sixteen would be so major that I would wake up with an improved mental state that would show on my face. All it shows is that I don't have any sort of a tan left.

Oh, thanks for answering our first question, Sam. Here she explains what she expects out of turning sixteen. Instead of an "improved mental state" Sam gets more depressed over the course of the movie.

Quote #3

MIKE: She's only eating carrots to increase the size of her breasts.

The website, which is probably entirely accurate and reputable (ha ha) lists carrots as a food to increase breast size. If that's true, why isn't Bugs Bunny a Victoria's Secret model? How many young ladies rushed out to buy carrots after seeing Sixteen Candles?