Slam Chapter 3 Summary

  • The next few weeks are all a blur for Sam. Sure, he remembers doing the normal day-to-day stuff like going to school and eating dinner, but he wouldn't be able to tell you anything about those things.
  • Most of the time, he hangs with Alicia. They're together every day after school and even say the L-word (ahem, love) to each other.
  • One night, Sam's mom suggests they go to a movie out without Alicia—he's spending so much time with her that she hardly ever sees him.
  • So the following night, Sam and his mom go out to pizza and a movie.
  • It almost kills him. He hates being away from Alicia for so long.
  • While they are at dinner, Sam's mom meets a guy she used to work with. His name is Mark and he works in Health and Social Care at the council.
  • On the way home, Sam's mom asks him point-blank if he's sleeping with Alicia. By his ums and general avoidance, she figures out that he is and gives him a speech about not getting pregnant at fifteen.
  • Sam knows his mom loves him, but he also feels like he's responsible for ruining her life since he arrived when she was still in school. He tells his mom all this, and of course she feels guilty.
  • When they reunite the next night, Alicia and Sam can't keep their hands off one another. They start getting hot and heavy, and Alicia announces that she wants to do the deed without any protection.
  • Sam's not so sure that's a good idea. He doesn't want to knock her up, but he figures he'll just do it for a little while and then cover up when he needs to. For anyone who's ever been to sex-ed class, you know that's not how it works.
  • A couple nights later, Alicia comes over to dinner at Sam's house. His mom wants to get to know her better, and everything goes smoothly.
  • Sam gets a little uncomfortable when the topic of pregnancy comes up, but he makes a joke and moves on.