Slam Tone

Take a story's temperature by studying its tone. Is it hopeful? Cynical? Snarky? Playful?

Conversational, Lighthearted

When you think of a sixteen year old skateboarder, we're pretty sure the words "pretentious" and "pompous" don't pop into your head. It's no different with Sam—he's totally down to earth and relatable. His tone is always conversational and relaxed, even when he's going through a tough time, which helps us relate to him. Listen to what he says about his love life after knocking boots with Alicia:

The funny thing was, going out with Alicia had done me no end of good at school, especially with girls. A few people had seen me with her at the cinema, and they'd told other people that I was with this beautiful girl, and I think it made everyone look at me in a new way. (5.1)

This is totally the kind of thing one friend would say to another, right? Sam's marveling at how hanging out with Alicia has boosted his dating cred at school. He doesn't bother pretending to be something he's not, instead being totally frank with us. His tone is always relatable because he tells us like it is—even when things are crummy.