Slam Chapter 5 Summary

  • Now that word on the street (a.k.a. at school) is that Sam took some drop-dead gorgeous girl to the movies, he's gotten more popular at school.
  • In fact, a girl named Nikki, who never gave him the time of day before this went around the rumor mill, asked if he wanted to meet her at McDonalds for a date one day.
  • Since he's not that into Alicia anymore, Sam goes. Instantly, he regrets it. Nikki is all "I want to have a baby" even though she's only sixteen, and it freaks Sam out—big time.
  • He walks her home and leaves before she has the chance to kiss him goodnight.
  • On his sixteenth birthday, Sam gets a text from Alicia saying she needs to talk A.S.A.P.
  • Even though he's supposed to have cake with his parents, Sam makes up an excuse and slips outside to meet Alicia at Starbucks.
  • There, Alicia tells him that her period is late and she might be pregnant. She's not certain yet, so Sam asks if she can get a pregnancy test.
  • They walk to the pharmacy together, but don't have enough change between them to buy the test. Alicia runs home to grab some cash from her parents so she can get it.
  • Sam turns his phone off and heads home so he can celebrate his birthday with his parents. It's one of the only times when both of his parents celebrate something together with him, plus he wants his final few moments of freedom before he learns he'll be a dad for the rest of his life.
  • He blows out the candles on his cake, and his dad tells the story about the day he was born. Of course it goes a little something like this: He ran several blocks to the hospital and arrived just in time. Cue the eye rolling.
  • Sam's mom points out that she was the one in labor for many hours, and not every story needs to show off Sam's dad as a hero. Gee, we wonder why these two aren't together anymore…
  • As for Sam, he pretends to be sick and heads to bed. Before he dozes off, he tells TH that Alicia might be pregnant.