Slam Resources


Nick's Nook

Check out the range of books from the author, from About a Boy to High Fidelity on his website.

Teenage Pregnancy

Learn more about teen parents just like Alicia and Sam at this U.S. government website.

Articles and Interviews

An Evening with Nick Hornby

Find out what it's like to spend the day with the guy.

Stuff I've Been Reading

Sure, we know authors write, but what do they read? Find out here.


The Author's Perspective

Nick Hornby talks about his idea for the book. So get it straight from the horse's, er, author's mouth.

Skate or Die

A fan takes on the book, trailer style. What would you do differently?

The Late, Late Show

The author has even been featured on Craig Ferguson.


No Horns Here

Author Nick Hornby smiles for the camera.

Tony Hawk

Dude knows how to jump, twist, turn, you name it. We totally get why he's a god to Sam.